_Play God Day, National Clean Off Your Desk Day, Full Wolf Moon
_According to the Farmer's Almanac, "amid the cold and deep snows of midwinter, the wolf packs howled hungrily outside Indian villages. Thus, the name for January’s full Moon. Sometimes it was also referred to as the Old Moon, or the Moon After Yule"  . . .  Interesting!
_12 Organization Tips for Your Desk | Productivity 501
_1. Get rid of pens and pencils you don’t need. – If you aren’t going to use it, don’t feel bad about throwing it out. It is just clutter.  The less clutter you have, the closer you are to having an organized desk.
2. Have a place for pocket stuff. Your keys, phone, wallet, etc. should have a home. Keep them in a drawer with wires already run for charging the various items. Having all charging cables right there and you won't have to hunt for them.
_3. Proximity based on frequency of use. This is the key organization tip for any type of organizing. If you use something every day, it should be closer than something you use only a few times each week. This helps you keep an organized desk because items are located closer to you based on the probability that you will use them so fewer items need to be moved around where they can become disorganized.
4. Move electronics out of sight. Your cable modem, wireless router, firewall, battery backup, etc. shouldn’t be on your desk. Even if you have enough room in introduces visual clutter. Once again, cutting down on clutter reduces the amount of work between a messy desk and an organized desk.
5. Easy to access files. Without moving your chair or getting up, you should be able to grab an unused manila folder,  label it and put it in your file cabinet. Easy filing is one of the most important organization tips.
_6. Scanning documents. Have a scanner and turn important documents into PDFs and keep them on your computer. This is wonderful if you travel a lot because it keeps everything right there with you. Keeping papers off your desk is an important part of desk organization.
7. Cleaning supplies. Keeping an organized desk clean helps you maintain the organization. If you clean your desk with Windex and a paper towel, make sure you have some nearby. This will help encourage you to wipe down your work surface which will encourage you to clean it off more often.
8. Scratch notepad. During the course of the day, you will have telephone numbers, names, addresses, order confirmations, flight numbers, etc. If you can keep these all in one place, you’ll be far more productive if you need to look something up later.
_9. Organize those wires. It is easy to have half your desk covered with wires for various pieces of electronics. Moving some stuff off your desk can help. Also make sure that you have wires that are long enough to tuck out of the way. If they are too short you won’t be able to arrange them neatly.
10. If you don’t have enough drawers. Use a dresser for storage or bookshelves with a bunch of boxes with lids to help give more drawer like storage.
_11. Lighting. Make sure you have enough light on your desk. A bright work area is easier to keep clean than a dark one.
12. Organize as you go. It is more efficient to stay organized as you work instead of trying to do it all at the end. You should be constantly working on keeping your desk neat. If it gets disorganized in the middle of a big project, take small steps. Clear a 1 foot by 1 foot area before you leave for the day. Make a small effort toward organization may not seem like much, but if you do it everyday, it will keep things headed in the right direction for you.
_Thanks so much to Martha, as always. Also, thanks for the tips from Productivity 501
_Happy howling!