Education and Sharing Day, National Joe Day, Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day, Viagra Day, Color Therapy Month
That dashing young man is my Papa. My dad's dad. My dad's name is Joe. His dad's name is Joe. It WAS Thaddeus, but for some reason he changed it to Joe. I can live with that. My Papa is pretty much my whole world. Best Papa ever as far as I'm concerned. Granted, I only have the ONE Papa, but who's counting?

ROYGBIV, people. It's color therapy month. Here I have compiled a rainbow of information to help transport you to another time in which the sky isn't grey and the ground isn't brown. HAPPY SPRING!!
My dearest friend, Rozi, is engaged. Her favorite color is red. She has finally decided on a tentative date in September of 2013 and has asked me to help her with wedding ideas. I have been pinning the crap out of the color red ever since. Red dresses, red shoes, red flowers, red cakes. Red everything. Thanks to Style Me Pretty, hopefully I'm being helpful, but either way I'm having a blast!

RED is the first chakra found at the base of the spine. It's purpose is grounding and survival and is associated with the gonads, kidneys, spine and your sense of smell.
I'm hoping you've heard of Polyvore. People are putting together the most adorable outfits and linking them to where you can buy each piece! Brilliant!

ORANGE is the second chakra found in the lower abdomen and genitals. It is associated with the urinary tract, circulation and reproduction, as well as emotions and sexuality. Ooh, baby!
Now that I've got weddings on the brain, I might as well add another wedding related picture. Cake pop seating chart!

YELLOW is the third chakra located in the solar plexus (that place where, if hit, you lose your breath!). Your power and ego are affected by this color along with your stomach, liver, gall bladder and pancreas, too!
Damn you, Brazil, and your awesome beauty! I want to live here and shower at the base of these falls! Except that it's a national park, so that's probably frowned upon. (Chapada dos Guimarães National Park) *sigh*

GREEN is the fourth chakra, associated with your heart and affecting your lungs and thymus. Love and your sense of responsibility are closely tied to this color and chakra.
Now that I've got one party under my belt (My boyfriend, Justin's 28th birthday - wine and beer tasting complete with labels, decorations and a homemade photo booth!) I am ADDICTED to party planning. And decorations. And color schemes. Now can you see why I'm having so much fun helping my pal with her wedding?? I am in love with this peacock color scheme. Blues and greens and indigos and violets, this party at Hostess with the Mostess might as well have been the picture for my last four colors.

BLUE is the fifth chakra, located at the throat. Physical and spiritual communication are found here and your throat, ears, mouth, and hands are most affected by disturbances.
DIY Galaxy Playdough, thanks to Fairy Dust Teaching! Glitter is the best!!

INDIGO is the sixth chakra located just above the center of the brow, in the middle of your forehead Forgiveness, compassion, and understanding are all found in this area. The eye and pineal glands are affected by this color.
For as much as I thought I liked purple, I really had a hard time finding a really great picture/DIY/fashion statement to share. I did my best and hopefully didn't disappoint! This incredible necklace would make any outfit pop. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

Last, but not least - PURPLE is the seventh chakra found at the crown of the head. Connection with universal energies, transmission of ideas and information is rooted here and your pituitary gland, the central nervous system and cerebral cortex are the systems most affected by this color.
Happy learning!
_Thesaurus Day, Winnie the Pooh Day
_I have a confession to make. I love (adore/worship/respect/admire) Hostess with the Mostess. Sometimes her parties are so cute they physically hurt. Splendid ideas, tremendous inspiration and unbelievable creativity! For example, here I have gathered some of her schemes for a Winnie the Pooh party! Enjoy! And, yes, I did use my thesaurus today!
_"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together, there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you."
"If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you."
_"Love is taking a few steps backward (maybe even more) to give way to the happiness of the person you love."
_"You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes."
_P. S. Thanks to Hungry Happenings for this great "thesaurus" treat!
_"A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside."
_"We will be friends until forever, just you wait and see."

Oh, I hope so.