_Spouses' Day
_Feel free to breeze past this post today. It's a mushy one. Spouses' Day: although we are not technically spouses in the dictionary sense of the word, according to Colorado, we are pretty darn close. A common law marriage in Colorado requires that a couple a) cohabitate, b) mutually agree to be married, c) openly hold themselves out to the public to be married. We basically fit only one of those stipulations in that we live together, but also have had the big marriage talk. We mutually agree to be married (someday). So there's two out of three!! Anyway, I celebrate my wonderful boyfriend (I told my mom today that I would start calling him my life partner, haha!) on this Spouses' Day 2012.

Like I said this may be a little mushy, but it also might just make you say "awe" at least once! Maybe, just maybe!
_We "met" at my sister's wedding. By "met" I mean he walked down the aisle with someone else and I was the maid of honor. He was married. I was single, ready to mingle (!?). The photo above is our first real picture together (minus the staged Wedding Party pictures). Disregard us both, we were not at our bests.

My sister, her husband and Justin all went to Central Michigan University together. Brad was Justin's roommate Freshman year. Brad and Hannah fell in love (or something like it). Brad and Justin fell in love (or something like it). I went to Detroit Mercy and knew nothing of any of this until 2009 when I was living with Hannah and Brad. Justin was recently divorced and able to spend more time with his bestie so I ended up seeing him around the house more.
_By August of 2009, we were interacting past a casual hello and before you could say "Labor Day" we had fallen. Can you really blame me with a dog as cute as this one?! Odie, the Chihuahua, is what you could call "the Closer," August 28, 2009 we made it official and have been going strong ever since.

I graduated dental hygiene school in May 2010 and we spent the summer killing time and planning our move to Colorado. Our first trip to Denver was the first time I had ever even flown with a boyfriend. We didn't know anyone, didn't have jobs, had no idea where we would live, but we did it. Two weeks later we were driving across the country to our new home. Two months later, we both had jobs, had made new friends and fell even harder for Colorado.
_Concerts, hockey games, movies, a wedding, long walks, a PostSecret event, (almost) all 8 Harry Potter movies, a Nuggets game, down 45 lbs between the two of us musicals, a Jeep, Swan Lake, Sunday Dinners (have I told you about Sunday Dinners yet?! Oh, just wait!!), new jobs, new friends, a baby shower, camping, quitting one job, two new apartments, half a dozen hikes and a fourteener later and here we are.
_In love. In Colorado. In the mood for forever.

Holy canoli, what an incredible "spouse" I have.
*warm & fuzzies*
_Happy Reminiscing!