Of course my blog ate my last post. Why wouldn't it? Well, just in case there is anyone out there actually reading this, I'll try again.

Peace out, February. I am not sad at all that it is March tomorrow. February is pretty much the lamest month in the history of months. Although, I must admit, it's pretty cool that it gets a random extra day every four years. No other month has that.

But even with all the fun holidays and Leap Year Day, I still haven't been able to shake my lingering hatred of February. This stems from living in Michigan my whole life. You know what Michigan looks like in February? Poop. Yep, a big grey turd.

Colorado, on the other hand, is beautiful. . . usually. This year it is trying to be like Michigan. And I am NOT down with this. Anywho, on with the holidays!
February 19: National Chocolate Mint Day
I've never been much of a chocolate-mint fan, but in honor of today, I have two words for you: Thin. Mints. I mean, seriously, Girl Scouts. . . How cruel can you be? There is nothing THIN about Thin Mints except for the fact that they are tiny enough that you tend to justify eating 73 in one sitting. To re-celebrate National Chocolate Mint Day, check out Ashton at Something Swanky's plethora of Thin Mint recipes! Thin Mint Cookie Dough Truffles, Thin Mint Diet Coke Cake, Thin Mint Pudding Mousse and Thin Mint Magic Cookie Bars.
February 20: Cherry Pie Day, Love Your Pet Day, Northern Hemisphere Hoodie Hoo Day
Mitchell and Ferguson
(aka, Figaro & Fig among other names!)
Chev, the cat (his purr sounded like a Chevi engine!)

Below is a tribute to the pets I most adored in my childhood
Kirby, my first dog.
And, of course, Odie-mutt!!
Check out some of these fun pie ideas for Cherry Pie Day!

Brown Eyed Baker's Cherry Crisp
looks delicious!

Simply Recipes helps us out with a
Sweet Cherry Pie recipe!

(Complete with a recipe for
the Perfect Pie Crust,
not just saying "frozen pie crust")

I love these damn Pie Pops
(or Pies-on-a-Stick. . .)
Let's come up with a name for these! from Style Me Pretty!
February 21: Card Reading Day, Paczki Day, Fat Tuesday

What are you giving up for Lent? I know it is a very Jeso-Centric time, but most people end up giving up some kind of food to help them lose weight. I was going to give up swearing, but that hasn't happened yet. Every time I drop the F-Bomb, I think "Didn't you say you wanted to stop doing that?" I'm trying, people!

Anyway, instead of focusing on THAT, let's focus on the best day of the whole year: Paczki Day!! It breaks my heart that Coloradoans haven't yet experienced the joys of Paczki Day, but I intend to help them see the light. Thanks to Royal Bakery in Arvada, CO (The ONLY bakery in ALL of Colorado that has Paczki) I shared the love. Yum! Yum! Yum!
February 22: George Washington's Birthday, Be Humble Day, Ash Wednesday, Walk the Dog Day, National Margarita Day

I'm pretty pissed that I missed Margarita Day. Looks like I'll have to celebrate it every day for an entire week instead to make up for it!!

Odie went on his first official walk post-back-problems. We went up to Eastlake Reservoir #3 for a 1.4mile walk and he did great! There's a bronzed fox statue that freaked him out towards the end, but otherwise awesome! I'm so glad he's getting back to his normal self. Just wondering what this summer is going to look like. Since we took him hiking so many trails with us last summer, I'm wondering if the old man'll be able to handle it this year. Keeping my fingers crossed!

     Then again, this is pretty much what he felt about hiking last year! Ahahahaha!
I'm running out of steam, people. Here's a few days that didn't get me going too much.

February 23: International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day, Tennis Day, Curling is Cool Day, National Chili Day
February 24: National Tortilla Chip Day
February 25: International Sword Swallowers Day, Open that Bottle Night
February 26: Carnival Day, National Pistachio Day, Tell a Fairy Tale Day, For Pete's Sake Day
February 27: Polar Bear Day

Kind of boring, right? I made dog treats for my friends for Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day. Did you know that wheat isn't really good for dogs? Me neither, but next recipe I make will be gluten-free, guaranteed!

National Tortilla Chip Day is pretty much every day in our house. We LOVE chips and guacamole! Delish!
February 28: Floral Design Day, National Tooth Fairy Day

Then of course - National Tooth Fairy Day! I dressed up as a tooth fairy about 100 years ago for Halloween, while I was still in Dental Hygiene School. God, that feels like forever ago!

We put crowns and fillings on fake teeth that I then made into earrings, a necklace and bling for my top!

February 29: Leap Day, Bachelors' Day
Oh, PS: For Floral Design Day, go to this site for the meanings of flowers. It is inspiring me to think about a tattoo idea. . .
Phew, I made it!

Happy relaxing!