March 15: Companies that Care Day, Ides of March, True Confessions Day

Alright, peeps. It's been a pretty rough week over on my side of town. Consequently, working out has fallen to the wayside. Here's my confession. I've been a fat bum lately. That changes today. I have a few motivational tidbits to help keep me on track and maybe it'll help you, too!
I am going to be posting one (totally unflattering) picture each month to track my progress. If it's online, I'm hoping it will keep me on fire. Ugh. Well, people - No day but today!
Self Magazine's 14 Days to a Happier, Healthier You! is going to be awesome! Also, Women's Health Magazine has a really great Running for Beginners program!

Day 1: Enjoy Frequent, Tiny Hits of Pleasure
Treat yourself to mini-pockets of fun throughout your day. Eat dessert after lunch and dinner, savoring only a few bites each time. Curl up with a novel every few hours, but read only a page or two. Or, when you've got the blahs, visit, but limit browsing to two minutes.

Day 2: Move It
Carve out time for 21 minutes of moderate-intensity (or 11 minutes of rock-your-socks-off) cardio today. Repeat for a week. Why such an oddly specific number? That's what experts say it takes to be considered moderately fit, and moderately fit women are 44 percent less apt to have depressive symptoms than nonexercisers, the Journal of Psychiatric Research reports. (Super fit women are 54 percent less likely to be blue.)

Day 3: Quit Comparing
It's tough to resist seeing how you measure up against others, but give it a try: At yoga, focus on your poses, not other'. At a party, pay attention to the talk, not the size of the host's kitchen. If you must compare, gauge how you're doing now against who you were last year. "Do a better deed today than you did yesterday," says Dan Baker, Ph.D., author of What Happy People Know.

Day 4: Give Up That Grudge
Forgive someone—that maniac who cut you off on the freeway or a pal who stood you up. Breathe in, exhale, and imagine all hostility leaving you; replace it with compassion and love.

Day 5: Linger in the Break Room
Get up from your desk, drop by your pal's cube, and ask about her weekend. The next time you send an email to a coworker, add a personal sign-off, wishing her luck in her upcoming race. No office confidante? Find someone you think you might have something in common with, and schedule a lunch.

Day 6: Tap Into Your Innate Strengths
Discover your dominant character strengths by taking a free, fun, 30- to 40-minute quiz at The test asks questions along the lines of whether you try to tease pals out of a bad mood, for example, to ID your best traits. Once you get the results, use a key strength in a new way each day this week. Creative? Pen a haiku—bet you haven't done that since grade school. Highly spiritual? Read about Buddhism, or meditate.

Day 7: Change Your Thinking in 4 Minutes
Imagine an event that makes you anxious, like an upcoming trip. Horribilize it for two minutes, exploring your worst fears. (You'll get in an accident on the way to the airport and miss your plane.) Now take two minutes to possibilize it, picturing the best outcome (80-degree days, discovering a new passion). Ask yourself, Which life do I want to lead?

Day 8: Vary Your Thanks
Tonight, before bed, jot down a few things you love about your family. One morning next week, right when you wake up, do it again, this time focusing on what you adore about your pals. Then, the next afternoon, write down the reasons you're grateful for your job. Give thanks twice a week tops, focusing on whatever feels wonderful in your life.

Day 9: Just Do It...Yes, That!
Drop the remote, shut your laptop, turn on some Arcade Fire, and give your sweetie a little love, even if—shocker—you're not that into it at this very moment. Getting it on reduces anxiety and depression and elevates mood.

Day 10: Be a Faker
Put on a smile, whether you feel like it or not. Feigning joy can induce joy. People who accurately made happy, angry or surprised expressions experienced those feelings two out of three times, a study in Psychophysiology shows. The facial movements trigger physiological changes: I'm smiling; that must mean I'm happy.

Day 11: Grab Some Girlfriend Time
Get your BFF and head to a museum, take a hike or spend an evening with takeout and Downton Abbey. (See more fab girlfriend get-together ideas.) If your pal isn't local, call or Skype her for a heart-to-heart. Having one truly great friend affects your joy more than having a few dozen sort-of-close friends. A solid relationship with your nearest and dearest can improve your happiness by up to 10 percent, according to research in the Journal of Happiness Studies.

Day 12: Help the Local Economy
Whatever you need—a bottle of wine, new tires—don't drive miles out of your way to get it at a better price. Today, go to your local store and ask for the shopkeeper's recommendation. Then snag it, even if it isn't the exact thing you had in mind or the least expensive. People who search for only the best, even if they find it, are less happy than those who opt for something that's good enough, research suggests. "It might seem counterintuitive, but learning that good enough often is good enough buys you time to devote to more meaningful things, like family," says Barry Schwartz, Ph.D., author of The Paradox of Choice. When you buy locally, you also bond with a merchant, and relationships are a primary source of joy. That makes it a twofer, happinesswise.

Day 13: Plan Fun
On your first free day, pencil in something you'd love to do. (A massage!) Then download the Countdown app on Facebook. Every time you log on, you'll see how long you have until the pampering. Looking forward to a future perk can give you a lift right now. People who book a vacation feel elation long before they board a plane, research finds—that is, you don't have to go anywhere to reap the benefits of a holiday. Maximize the high by reminding yourself of the upcoming event as often as possible. (Photo of a beach on your mirror? That works!)

Day 14: Put a Cherry on Top
When you have something unpleasant to do, like a horrible commute or an appointment at the dentist, give yourself a positive finish to look forward to. When you reach the end of a long car ride, crank up your radio and groove out to "Mr. Roboto." After the cavity filling, treat yourself to a walk in the park. Life as we live it and life as we remember it are two different things. When people look back on their day, it's the very best and the very worst moments that tend to have the greatest effect on how they remember it, a study in Emotion reports. What's more, people tend to recall feeling angrier, sadder and more tense during the worst moments than they actually reported experiencing during the event itself. "If you engineer a positive outcome, you'll help offset a negative one," says study author Talya Miron-Shatz, Ph.D., founding director of the Center for Medical Decision Making at Ono Academic College. Not only will you recall a tough week at work, but you'll also recall that luxe mani-pedi on Friday evening. So go live happily for these two weeks—and ever after!
Happy living!
Happy March, all! Finally, Spring is coming! Yee-haw! Yippee! Yes! March is going to be AWESOME! I have lots of fun things planned this month and all fun plannings to be done for my time-off in April. . . What to do, what to do. . . Any ideas, shoot them my way!

March 1: Pig Day, Witch Hysteria Day, Plan a Solo Vacation Day, Peanut Butter Lovers' Day

I got a phone call from my Dad a few weeks ago, letting me know that my Papa (ie. grandpa, Dad's dad) was having a surprise 75th birthday party thrown for him. He said "Now, I know you probably can't make it, but I just wanted to let you know" and I said "Let me see what I can do" I had a plane ticket purchased within thirty minutes! The plan was to surprise my Papa TWICE at his surprise party! Well, the initial surprise (the party itself) fell through, but he had NO idea that I was in town. I had flown in the night before (February 23rd - Justin's Mom's birthday!) and called him the morning of his party, asking what he had planned for his birthday, how the weather was in Michigan, etc. etc. Little did he know, I called him when I was on the way to his house! My Dad walked in the back door while I waited (hid) a few minutes in the car, then I went to the front door. When my Papa opened the door, I was expecting major tears, but I could definitely see the love in his dry eyes. I said "Papa, just one tear?" And he said "You know I can't" with a slight quiver in his voice. Oh, I love him! So, this was my Solo Vacation! Not as relaxing or beautiful as a beach vacation, but unforgettable none-the-less.
March 2: Dress in Blue Day, Dr. Seuss' Birthday, Employee Appreciation Day, Old Stuff Day

Here's a sneak peek into Justin's Birthday Party 2012! Gold and elegant, royal blue is the color scheme! Yay!

For some reason I am addicted to gold and blue lately. Check out these other wearable blues for March 2nd!
March 3: I Want You to Be Happy Day, National Anthem Day, Peach Blossom Day

It's been a pretty rough week. Justin started his new job and his schedule totally does NOT mesh with our "old" schedule. I am SO excited for him and his new position, but I have been afraid of its effects on our relationship. After seeing today's holiday, I Want You to be Happy Day, I realized that some things just have to work themselves out. On top of that awesome holiday, it's Peach Blossom Day and you know what peach blossoms mean? Long life, generosity and bridal hope. Not that I'm a bride (yet), but it gives me hope that everything will be as awesome as it has been the last thirty months! We will prevail. This job is not the end, it's a new beginning put before us to test and strengthen our relationship.
March 4: Courageous Follower Day, Daughters and Sons Day, National Grammar Day
March 5: Fun Facts About Names Day, Multiple Personality Day

I thought it would be fun to compile a list of people in my life and the meanings of their names. Please don't be offended if you're not on the list. Short-Term and Long-Term memory have never been my strong suits.

Want to find the meaning of your name? Check out this site!
Joseph: (Hebrew) He will enlarge.
Abby: (Hebrew) Father rejoiced, father's joy, gives joy.
Suzanne: (French, Hebrew, German) Lily
Justin: (English, Latin, Irish) Just, upright, fair, righteous, judicious.
Gary: (English, German, Welsch, Irish) Hard or bold spear, gentle.
Thaddeus: (Hebrew, Greek) Valiant, wise, one who has courage.
Joan: (English, Hebrew) God is gracious.
Rozeta: (Latin, German, English, Italian) Rose, noted protector, fame.
Anna: (Hebrew, English, Native American) Grace, favor, mother, prayer.
Kelly: (Gaelic, Irish, Scottish) Warrior, lively, aggressive, wood, strife, bright-headed.
Philip: (English, French, Greek) One who loves horses,
Michalene: (Hebrew) Close to God.
Apryll: (Latin) Open
Kate: (English, French, Irish, Greek) Pure
Denise: (Greek, English, French) God of Wine, mountain of Zeus
Nichole: (French, Greek) People's Victory
Stephanie: (Greek) Crown
Lisa: (English, Latin, Hebrew) Oath of God, my god is bountiful, devoted to god.
Becky: (Hebrew, English) Captivating, to tie.
Carolynn: (German) Strong.
Bradley: (English) Broad clearing in the wood.
Sara(h): (Hebrew) Princess.
Julie: (French, Latin) Downy, youthful.
Alexis: (English, French, Greek) Helper, defender.
Teasa: (English, Greek) Harvester.
Jessica: (Hebrew) Rich, God beholds, God is gracious.
March 6: US Snowshoe Day, Dentists' Day, National Frozen Food Day

The Denver Post's article "Best Places to Snowshoe in Colorado" includes several trails around Colorado to try out as well as tips to make your next snowshoeing trip the best ever!

What to Wear:
Snowshoes, of course! They come in three types: trail, backcountry, and racing ranging from $100 to $350. Warm, waterproof boots that are comfortable to hike it. Wool or synthetic hat, gloves and windproof jacket which retains heat even when wet. Dress in layers! Poles, while not crucial, help maintain balance especially when breaking trail or going downhill.

What to Pack:
Daypack include water (1 liter for every hour on the trail), high-energy snacks and the rest of the "10 essentials" — a first-aid kit, flashlight or headlamp, map and compass, waterproof matches or other fire starter, pocket knife, emergency whistle, sunscreen and sunglasses. Don't bother with goggles - they tend to fog up under such heavy exercise! Also duct tape, piece of wire/cord and a pair of Leatherman-style pliers for on-the-trail repairs.

The major risks in snowshoeing involve hypothermia or frostbite (because of the cold), dehydration (the exercise and altitude) and avalanches (the terrain). To stave off hypothermia, a dangerous and potentially deadly drop in the body's core temperature, take pains to stay warm and dry.  Use chemical hand warmers and foot warmers if necessary to protect your extremities. Take along an extra pair of gloves for your return trip, when the circulation in your fingers may be shortchanged by the blood flow to your legs. To prevent dehydration, which can impair your judgment and sap your energy, take plenty of water — and drink it, every time you stop for a breather. If you carry a Camelbak, make sure it's insulated, and keep the drinking tube from freezing by blowing the water back into the reservoir after each use. Carry water bottles inside your pack rather than in mesh pockets on the outside. To keep from getting buried in an avalanche, pay close attention to the forecasts, watch for evidence of slides and, in general, avoid slopes with angles of 30 degrees or more.
Rocky Mountain National Park
Suggested for beginners, Rocky Mountain National Park also hosts free, ranger-led snowshoe ecology tours at 12:30 p.m. every Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Wednesday through March. Reservations required, at 970-586-1223.

Wild Basin Area
Well-marked routes, most popular 2.8-mile trail to Calypso Cascades, with more challenging options available!

West of Boulder
The Brainard Lake area near Ward offers excellent snowshoeing when the weather isn't too windy, including snowshoe-only trails created by the Colorado Mountain Club. If the snow has been blown free in open areas, the Jenny Creek trail at the Eldora Mountain Resort or Lost Lake trail west of Nederland can be good alternatives.

St. Mary's Glacier
The trail to St. Mary's Glacier, northwest of Idaho Springs, usually has good snow and you get off I-70 before you hit the ski traffic.

Berthoud Pass
The old Squaw Pass road east of Echo Lake, off the Mount Evans road south of Idaho Springs. Or try Butler Gulch, reachable via a good gravel road that heads west from the first switchback on U.S. 40 at the eastern foot of Berthoud Pass.

Silver Dollar Lake trail
The Silver Dollar Lake trail off the Guanella Pass road south of Georgetown is highly recommended, although once you've reached the lake, don't go beyond or around it or you'll be in avalanche territory.

Grizzly Gulch
Grizzly Gulch, west of Georgetown off the Bakerville exit is another option, although it can be risky if you go too far up the valley.

Kenosha Pass
Southwest of Denver, Kenosha Pass offers easy access to sections of the Colorado Trail via U.S. 285.

Abyss Lake trail
For something different, try the Abyss Lake trail on the south side of Guanella Pass (also reachable off U.S. 285). It's a little less used, and you don't have to get on I-70!

March 7: Cereal Day, National Be Heard Day

What's YOUR favorite cereal?

Happy munching!
_Ditch New Year's Resolutions Day, Healthy Weight Week, Shape Up US Month
_How are YOU doing with your New Year's Resolutions? I'm re-porting my 26 before 26 list in order to remind myself of my goals for the year. I hope you're staying on track with yours! Proud of myself so far! Below my list, I have a few fun motivators to help celebrate Healthy Weight Week and Shape Up US Month
_1. Climb three more Fourteeners. (0/3)
2. Go camping at least five times this summer. (0/5)
3. Go skiing at least once this winter. (0/1)
4. Rent a house.
5. Ride my bike to Denver.
6. Keep one plant alive for an entire year.
7. Lost 10 lbs OR two sizes. (3/10)
8. Read 10 books. (0/10)
9. Document my 25th year through pictures. (17/366)
10. Continue on my path to becoming a Hygenius. (Genius Dental Hygienist!)
11. Run at least one more 10K. (0/1)
12. Try 25 new recipes. (2/25)
13. Build a bridge with my sister.
_14. Re-vamp my wardrobe. (New moccasins!)
15. Complete 10 DIY projects. (1/10)
16. Get a smart phone and not kill it. (So far, success!)
17. Go on a cruise.
18. Go on a hot air balloon ride.
19. Get all eight Harry Potter movies. (6/8)
20. Call one family member per week (not counting my mom or dad!) (2/52)
21. Volunteer for at least one dental event.
22. Have a dinner party.
23. Celebrate three years with the love of my life.
24. Take one vacation by myself.
25. Buy (and use) one new attachment for my KitchenAid.
26. Turn 26!!
_Katie at GoodLife Eats Etc. has some awesome tips to Challenge Yourself to 1/3 Less Stress. I'm sure we all could use some help in this area!

Amy from She Wears Many Hats shared an exciting playlist. . .  Must. Download. Soon!
_“Just the Way You Are”  by Bruno Mars
“I Choose”  by India.Arie & Bonnie Raitt
“Simple Things”  by Tedeschi Trucks Band
“Keep Your Head Up”  by Andy Grammer
“Give It Up”  by Amos Lee
“King of Anything”  by Sara Bareilles
“Atlas”  by The Wood Brothers
“Why Can’t We”  by Asa
“Unwritten”  by Natasha Bedingfield
“Why Georgia”  by John Mayer
“Caught Up”  by Usher
“The Show”  by Lenka
“500 Miles”  by The MacDonald Bros.
“Animal”  by Neon Trees
“Perfect”  by Pink
“SexyBack”  by Justin Timberlake
“Rolling In the Deep”  by ADELE
“Ready to Run”  by Dixie Chicks
“Freedom”  by Amos Lee
“Paranoia In B Major”  by The Avett Brothers
“Walk Softly On This Heart Of Mine”  by The Kentucky Headhunters
“That’s the Way I Like It”  by K.C. & The Sunshine Band
“Ring Of Fire”  by Johnny Cash
“Landslide”  by Stevie Nicks

“These Are the Days”  by Jamie Cullum
“Upside Down”  by Jack Johnson
“We Can Make A Difference”  by Jaci Velasquez
“Morrison’s Jig”  by The Irish Experience
“The Sweet Escape”  by Gwen Stefani
“Beach Fever ”  by General Johnson & The Chairmen of the Board
“You Dropped a Bomb on Me”  by The Gap Band
“Free to Be Me”  by Francesca Battistelli
“One Thing Leads to Another ”  by The Fixx
_“Something Beautiful”  by Needtobreathe
“Shop Around”  by Captain & Tennille
“Back In Style”  by Joss Stone
“Listen to the Music”  by The Doobie Bros.
“Dancing Queen”  by ABBA
“The Love Boat”  by TV Themes
“Rock the Boat”  by The Hues Corporation
“Hey, Soul Sister”  by Train
“Rhythm of Love”  by Plain White T’s
“Do It Again”  by Steely Dan
“Come See About Me”  by Tedeschi Trucks Band
“Slight Figure of Speech”  by The Avett Brothers
“Bad Day (Hole In Your Shoe)”  by Tim & Mollie O’Brien
“Dynamite”  by Taio Cruz
“Two Princes”  by Spin Doctors
“Same Ol’ River”  by Sam Bush
“Heaven”  by Salvador
“Life Is a Highway”  by Rascal Flatts
“I Am Superman”  by R.E.M.
“Hit Me With Your Best Shot”  by Pat Benatar
“Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough”  by Michael Jackson
“Don’t Wait Too Long”  by Madeleine Peyroux
“Where Are We Runnin’?”  by Lenny Kravitz

“Let’s Groove ”  by Earth, Wind & Fire
“Little Sister”  by Dwight Yoakam
“She’s a Bad Mama Jama”  by Carl Carlton
“Wondering Where the Lions Are”  by Bruce Cockburn
“I Will Not Be Broken”  by Bonnie Raitt
“Crash Into Me”  by Dave Matthews Band
“If This Is It”  by Huey Lewis & The News
“Hard to Handle”  by The Black Crowes
“All I Need”  by Bethany Dillon
“You’re the First, the Last, My Everything”  by Barry White
“Best of My Love”  by The Emotions
_Women's Health has a great 45-minute spin workout with a playlist to keep you moving!

minutes 0 to 3
Warm up. Pedal comfortably with little or no resistance.
"Diamonds from Sierra Leone," Kanye West featuring Jay-Z
minutes 3 to 7
Add resistance. Make pedaling harder and rise out of the saddle.
"Harder to Breathe," Maroon 5
minutes 7 to 11
Add more resistance. Slow your pace to 55 to 60 rpm. Alternate standing and sitting for 30 seconds each.
"Grenade," Bruno Mars
minutes 11 to 15
Active recovery. Reduce the resistance and maintain a brisk, high pace (cadence) at 88 rpm.
"Just Can't Get Enough," The Black Eyed Peas
minutes 15 to 19
Flat ride. Add a bit more resistance and pedal at 90 to 95 rpm.
"Days Go By," Dirty Vegas
minutes 19 to 23
Hill surges. Up the resistance and pedal at 65 rpm. Every 30 seconds, increase your leg speed and surge as fast as you can for 15 seconds.
"Judas," Lady Gaga
minutes 23 to 27
Fast and flat. Ease up on resistance and pedal at a fast pace (110+ rpm).
"Party Rock Anthem," LMFAO
minutes 27 to 31
Steep climb. Increase resistance and slow to 70 rpm, alternating between sitting and standing for 30 seconds each.
"Uprising," Muse
minutes 31 to 35
Steady cruising. Reduce resistance and pedal at your preferred cadence.
"Curbside Prophet," Jason Mraz
minutes 35 to 43
Speed play. Mix short and long sprints (95 to 110 rpm during sprints, 65 to 70 rpm during recovery). Start with 10 seconds and work up to 60 seconds (equal recovery time).
"If U Seek Amy," Britney Spears
minutes 43 to 45
Cool down. Pedal comfortably (85 rpm) with little or no resistance.
"Love the Way You Lie, Part II," Rihanna

Last, but not least, I am participating in the 21-Day Yoga Challenge! I get an email every day with a new yoga video, the point is to practice yoga every day for 21 days. Yoga Journal is a wonderful source for free yoga videos, health tips and wisdom.
_Good luck NOT ditching your New Year's Resolution! You've already come this far!!
You're almost to week three of fifty-two!