Let me begin by apologizing (profusely) for the lack of anything the last week or so. I have been SO overwhelmed trying to fix this (godforsaken) blog that I haven't been able to have much fun with it. I had yet another catastrophe on my side of the blogging universe and it all goes back to the fact that I've never done this before and just DO NOT UNDERSTAND these things. Anyway, I'm trying my best to fire up again but in order to do this, I have to bunch a few days together. Otherwise, my tiny blog will die and that would be so sad.
Please forgive me!

Here's the breakdown since we talked last:

February 1: Freedom Day, G.I. Joe Day, Hula in the Coola Day
February 2: Crepe Day, Groundhog Day, Marmot Day, Sled Dog Day
February 3: The Day the Music Died, Give Kids a Smile Day, Wear Red Day
February 4: World Cancer Day, Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, Thank a Mailman Day
February 5: World Nutella Day
February 6: National Weatherman's Day
February 7: Lame Duck Day, Ballet Day, Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbors Day
February 8: Send a Card to a Friend Day, Opera Day
February 9: Kite Flying Day, National Stop Bullying Day, Read in the Bathtub Day
February 10: Toothache Day
February 11: Umbrella Day, Be Electrific Day, White T-Shirt Day
The University of Detroit Mercy (my alma mater) hosts a Give Kids a Smile day (February 3) every year in which hundreds of children are given dental treatment at no cost. (Although, I don't think they do it anymore, Boo.) Here my classmates and I are posing with Detroit's interim Mayor (at the time), Ken Cockrel, Jr. in 2009 where over 200 children had their teeth cleaned or fixed. What an amazing day, I miss these volunteer events and as my 2012 new year's resolution, I aim to participate in at least one by 2013. There are so many opportunities out there and I cannot wait to use my skills to help again!

Since I have a slight red-tinge to my hair, I don't ever have to worry about forgetting to wear red on February 3. Here is a gorgeously wearable red for those who are gingerly-challenged. I want this exact skirt that Aarean from Color issue sported in her Christmas cards!

Also, here's a HOW-TO for Maxi skirts!! Yes!!
For World Cancer Day, February 4, I would like to honor my mom's best friend, Irene Rel, who passed away three years ago this year. Above: My mom is on the left, Irene on the right. She was the sassy best friend everyone wants, but never really gets. She was an open book and would never think to hide her feelings. She was full of love and life and passion for her family until the very end. She is missed every day, but I am so proud to have had her in my life. She left me with a new appreciation for family and friends and she also taught me how to make breakfast burritos. :)  Thank you, Irene! Love and miss you always!
February 9th was Read in the Bathtub Day.
These book text posters from Spineless Classics would make reading
in the bathtub a little easier, and a lot less soggy.
Finally, for White T-Shirt Day (today!) let's make this watermark t-shirt. All you need is some dye, Elmer's Gel Glue a cute quote or design and a white shirt.

Thanks to Katy from Sweet Verbena for this excellent DIY
that I might actually get a chance to DIM (Do-It-Myself)!
Happy electrifying!