What a wild week it's been. Where to begin. . . I drove down to Colorado Springs to fill in at an office I would KILL to work at. Met more really awesome people and had a pretty disastrous camping trip that actually turned out to be not-so-bad. Found a stray dog. Adopted said dog. Very crazy ten days.  I hope you had an awesome end to your May. Here's a list to catch you up on your holidays you've been so desperately awaiting!
May 21 - National Memo Day, National Waiters and Waitresses Day, Rapture Party Day
May 22 - Be a Musical Instrument Day, National Taffy Day
May 23  - Lucky Penny Day, World Turtle Day
May 24 - National Escargot Day, Brothers' Day, International Tiara Day, Morse Code Day
International Morse Code Alphabet!

Morse-coded necklaces, blankets and scarves - People would have NO idea they say something!!
So many Morse code crafts, I don't even know where to begin! I LOVE the idea of crafting hidden messages all over my wardrobe. Maybe some Morse Art coming up next??

Also, am I wrong in saying memo = Post-it? Check out this stop motion video of Post-its! Super cute! Happy Memo Day!
May 25 - National Missing Children's Day, Tap Dance Day, Cookie Monster's Birthday, Geek Pride Day, Towel Day, National Wig Out Day, Player Piano Day
May 26 - International Jazz Day, Sally Ride Day
In honor of Cookie Monster's Birthday, let's celebrate with a few cookie recipes! Giant S'mores Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies by Smells Like Home & Red Velvet Thumbprint Cookies with with Marshmallow Frosting by How Sweet It Is! Yum!
May 27 - Sunscreen Day
May 28 - Amnesty International Day, Memorial Day
May 29 - Learn About Composting Day
May 30 - Water a Flower Day

Colorado is suffering from major wildfires right now so it's not exactly the most fun thing trying to breathe outside. I am lacking a need for sunscreen since I'm holed up in my dark apartment to keep the heat (and smoke) out. Let's travel to three places you might actually want to enjoy the sun and NEED sunscreen.
I want to sit on this dock with my feet dipped in the water and lather on the sunscreen until the sun goes does. Would you join me in Hungary for some dock-time? Come on!
Or maybe Canada is more your style? Watching the sunset over Lake Superior sounds like another one of those times that you would need ample lotion to protect you from the sun. Oh, Lake Superior, how I miss you.
Last, but certainly not least - a natural swimming pool in Samoa. I'm sure I would have a pretty hard time wanting to leave these crystal waters to reapply sunblock. Alas, I'm a fair-skinned strawberry blonde and would sizzle into oblivion if I didn't!
May 31 - National Macaroon Day, Save Your Hearing Day, World No Tobacco Day, What You Think Upon Grows Day

Have you read "The Art of Racing in the Rain"?? A quote that pops up a couple of times in this amazing book is "Your car goes where your eyes go" and I think that goes hand in hand with "What you think upon grows" - What an awesome way to live At-Cause in your life! Celebrate the things you have brought into your life and the things you have continued to grow by thinking on them! Congrats!

P. S. To save your hearing - I'm addicted to my Jack Johnson station on Pandora. Perfect for summertime, if I say so myself!
Happy sizzling!
March 16: Lips Appreciation Day, St. Urho's Day, Everything You Do is Right Day
In preparation for St. Patty's Day tomorrow (WHAT ARE YOU DOING, BTW?) and also in celebration of Lips Appreciation Day, I would like to share a few recipes/DIYs to appreciate your pucker-ers before you say "Kiss me, I'm {fill-in-the-blank}!"

The picture above shows the ingredients necessary for Joy the Baker's Coffee and Lavender Body Scrub that, while is not REALLY meant to be used on your lips, will make your body smooth as butter in case you rub up against anyone in the crowded line for more green beer. Plus, everything you do it right today, so do what makes you happy!

Next, we have Brooke from Cheeky Kitchen's Homemade Lip Gloss recipe! Very delicious way to say thanks to your kisser. Keep in mind "You can sniff it, but it's not for eating!" Thanks, Brooke!!

1 teaspoon paraffin wax
4 teaspoons coconut oil
4 teaspoons petroleum jelly
4 white or pink (or whatever color you like) candy melts
1/2 teaspoon oil-based candy flavoring

Grate the wax into a ziploc freezer bag. Add the coconut oil, petroleum jelly, candy melts and the flavoring. Place the bag in a bowl of very hot water and allow the ingredients to melt together. Massage the bag a bit to mix the ingredients together. Snip a corner from the bag and squeeze the ingredients into small containers. Pop your lip gloss containers into the fridge to cool completely.
Martha Stewart also has a ton of helpful hints and how-to's to make your next batch of lip gloss.

Tools and Materials
1 tablespoon beeswax pellets 
2 tablespoons carrier oil such as grapeseed oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, or vitamin E oil
A few drops essential oil(s) such as geranium, grapefruit, lemon, tangerine, peppermint, rosemary, or star anise
Lipstick shavings in desired color 
Special equipment: heatproof glass jar, plastic pipettes, cosmetic-style plastic tubes, slide tins, or metal pots

1. Put beeswax and carrier oil in jar, and close lid. Heat the jar in a pot of water over medium-low heat until wax has melted. Remove jar from pot carefully. 

2. Stir mixture with a metal spoon. Using a pipette, add essential oil, 1 drop at a time, until strength of scent is to your liking. Stir in lipstick shavings, 1 at a time, until desired shade is achieved and color is even throughout. 

3. Using another pipette, transfer lip balm to containers. Let set for 1 hour.
Oh! And check out my nails for the big day! (St, Patrick's Day, people!) Mint Sorbet from Sally Hansen & Call You Later by Sinful Colors! Yay!

Happy smooching!