National Eggs Benedict Day, National Librarian Day, National Stress Awareness Day, Patriot's Day
I may be taking jobs away from librarians worldwide by telling you about this awesome website (that is, if you haven't already heard of it!) but I can't resist. is going to be my new best friend. I've kind of been in a reading rut - I went on a Stephen King kick and now I want to get back to reading grown up books. Books for ladies. Books that make me want to buy them in order to have them as a part of my collection. I'm in a rut. I need help! Pass along your favorite reads and I would owe you my first-born! 
Check out my Readables Pinboard for some other excuses to go see your favorite librarian.

Happy searching for your next favorite book!
(and sharing your current favorites with me!)
Ridiculously busy week, this week. So far, this next week is shaping up to be awesome, so I'll breeze through the days I missed in my million-mile-an-hour haze and move into week two! Hope you had an awesome Easter, too - I was incredibly productive AND ran 3 miles! It was fun to be sweating on the sidewalk, watching everyone drive by dressed in their Easter outfits =)
April 1: April Fool's Day, International Fun at Work Day,  International Tatting Day
Not that I would ever do this, because I'm a big wuss and totally non-committal - This is amazing! Delicate, elegant, classic.
Customize: Proud Life.
Unconditional. Bloom.
Location, location, location -
Not so much the message.
Oxytocin AKA the Love Hormone
April 2: Children's Book Day, National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day, Reconciliation Day
            Check out GoodLife Books for fun children's books!

April 3: Don't Go to Work Unless it's Fun Day, Tweed Day
April 4: Hug a Newsman Day, Walk Around Things Day, School Librarian Day, Tell a Lie Day
April 5: Go for Broke Day
April 6: National Walk to Work Day, Plan Your Epitaph Day, Sorry Charlie Day
OUCH, Charlie! That really hurt!
MUST WATCH! (If you haven't already, that makes me sad for you!)
April 7: Caramel Popcorn Day, No Housework Day, World Health Day
April 8: All is Ours Day, Draw a Picture of a Bird Day, Easter
April 9: Dyngus Day always the Monday after Easter, Name Yourself Day, Winston Churchill Day
Happy miscellany!