Ridiculously busy week, this week. So far, this next week is shaping up to be awesome, so I'll breeze through the days I missed in my million-mile-an-hour haze and move into week two! Hope you had an awesome Easter, too - I was incredibly productive AND ran 3 miles! It was fun to be sweating on the sidewalk, watching everyone drive by dressed in their Easter outfits =)
April 1: April Fool's Day, International Fun at Work Day,  International Tatting Day
Not that I would ever do this, because I'm a big wuss and totally non-committal - This is amazing! Delicate, elegant, classic.
Customize: Proud Life.
Unconditional. Bloom.
Location, location, location -
Not so much the message.
Oxytocin AKA the Love Hormone
April 2: Children's Book Day, National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day, Reconciliation Day
            Check out GoodLife Books for fun children's books!

April 3: Don't Go to Work Unless it's Fun Day, Tweed Day
April 4: Hug a Newsman Day, Walk Around Things Day, School Librarian Day, Tell a Lie Day
April 5: Go for Broke Day
April 6: National Walk to Work Day, Plan Your Epitaph Day, Sorry Charlie Day
OUCH, Charlie! That really hurt!
MUST WATCH! (If you haven't already, that makes me sad for you!)
April 7: Caramel Popcorn Day, No Housework Day, World Health Day
April 8: All is Ours Day, Draw a Picture of a Bird Day, Easter
April 9: Dyngus Day always the Monday after Easter, Name Yourself Day, Winston Churchill Day
Happy miscellany!